Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year's Resolution

So, as you can tell, I'm trying to update the blog. One of my new year's resolutions is to keep this a little more updated. I'm setting aside Wednesday nights to update the blog and get pictures organized. Wish me luck!

Birthday 2008

Lizzie and Paul are now 2 (and let me tell you how much I can't believe it). They just keep growing and growing. Lizzie is still in the 75th percentile for height and weight and Paul is still in the 50th percentile for both. The doctor is happy with their progress. They are talking up a storm and just getting so smart! Lizzie likes to "count" and can say the numbers in order upto 9 and Paul will jump in with one every now and then. Paul's main interest right now is pirates and every boat, ship, or anything that looks like a ship is a Pirate Ship. We had a family celebration at home on their actual birthday and then celebrated with the extended families on New Year's Eve and Day.

Cupcakes at home! They actually really got into blowing out their candles and did it several times.

We gave them a wagon full of wooden blocks and they build lots of tall towers to knock down.

Paul with his "Pirate Ship"

Lizzie's our little Viking (Paul wouldn't put on his hat)


Okay - just a little late, but here's some pictures from Christmas. The twins really got into the whole presents thing this year. I don't think they get that Santa brought the gifts, but they liked the gifts more than the wrapping paper (opposite last year), so it's getting better.

Here's our one try with Santa - at Great-Grandma Allgeier's house. Needless to say, they didn't like it very much. Althought, in their defense - we had to wake them up from their nap.

Christmas Eve is spent at Grandma and Grandpa Allgeier's house!

Paul with all his cars (the little guy just loves them!)

Lizzie opening another gift!

Christmas morning at home - what did Santa bring???

Paul spots something for him (or he's just interested in all the shiny ornaments)

The big (crazy) gifts - DRUMS!!! (to tell the truth, they never play for more than a few minutes at a time, so it's not too bad)

Lizzie cooking breakfast at Elmo's resturant.

Later on Christmas day, we visited Grandma and Grandpa Rademaker and had lots of fun playing with new puzzles.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween

Well, it's that time of year - Halloween!!! This year Lizzie is a little witch and Paul is a vampire. We were going for a more matched theme, but this is what we liked at the store. Here are some pictures from the Fall Festival for the Louisville Twins Club. I hope everyone else has a happy and safe Halloween.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Summer update

Sorry about the delay in posting. I've been super busy at work and all time at home is spent enjoying my wonderful kids! They are getting bigger and sweeter every day. They are talking quite a bit now (which is a relief as we were starting to get worried). Lizzie is talking more than Paul, but he's starting to pick up a little more everyday.

Due to the wind storms in Louisville, we were out of electricity a couple of days last week, but the kids handled it without any problems. They did miss seeing the backyardigans in the morning!

Here are they are playing on the back porch (there were power lines down in the front of the house).

Riding their tricycles. Mostly, Charlie and I just push them, but everyonce in a while they push themselves a little.

Lizzie's had enough!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pool Party

Last weekend we bought a kiddie pool - not much just $8 at the local walmart (although we spent $20 on the pump to air it up). The kids seem to like it okay. It took a while to convince them to get in on Saturday, but once they did they had fun. I took some pictures tonight - they didn't get to stay in long because of the bugs. Not much else happening - Paul's face is kind of scratched up because he took a tumble down the street the other night. We let them play on the flat part without holding our hands (extremely quiet and out of the way street with only 4 houses), but there is a hill off the street that Paul loves to run to - and then fall down.

Lizzie wanting out of the pool (there was a dog roaming the neighborhood)
Mr. P and his bumps (from daycare) and scratches (from falling on the street)
Lizzie working on escaping while Paul stirs the water with his spoon

Continuing our attempts for them to feed with a spoon. This night we let them try ravioli with sauce. Lizzie did okay...
Paul made a wonderful mess (this so reminds me of their birthday party)
On the 4th of July, after a neighborhood party with Grandma and Grandpa Rademaker, we went to the Bullitt County festival - where our good friend Troi was in a Patriotic Program!
Lizzie took care of Mama by holding her drink

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

July, already?

Yes, it's been over a month (but not by too much!). I've been getting some gentle nudges lately that the blog needed to be updated. However, not too much has happened. We did have the twins' 18 month checkup yesterday. Important stats are:

Lizzie - 27.5 lbs and 31.5 inches (about 75th percentile for both)
Paul - 25.8 lbs and 29.5 inches (about 50th percentile for both)

The doctor said they were both doing good - everything on track. They are still behind in verbal, with Lizzie slightly ahead with about 10 words. We're waiting until about October (after my audit at work) and if they're still behind will seek the services of the First Steps.

The kids did get to go to Grand Assembly with the Fairdale Rainbow Girls (service organization for girls sponsored by Eastern Star and Masons). They had lots of fun catching up with all their friends from across the state.

Here they are sleeping in the hotel room (they love to sleep close)

Everybody all spiffy for the sessions

Lizzie and Paul are learning to eat with a spoon. Right now we only give them yogurt - it has a good consistency for practice. Paul especially will not let you feed him with the spoon - he has to have it.

They enjoy going outside and we usually spend everynight after supper taking a walk or playing with the chalk. Luckily, we live in a very quiet neighborhood and don't have to worry too much about traffic. We have started to meet a lot of our neighbors and have found that very nice. A family down the street has a 1 year old girl, so hopefully we have found a new playmate.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Spring Update

The twins are doing great. Just keep getting bigger and doing more things. They've started riding the trucks they got for Christmas. Lizzie has even stood up on the seat a couple of times - she's shaping up to be the dare devil. Paul's favorite activity now is to push the recycling tub all over the driveway and walkway. They still aren't talking too much, but we're working on it.

Here's a couple of pictures - mostly just hanging out around the house.

Playing on their trucks!

What a little ham!!!

Just one of the many funny faces of Mr. P

Someone was not very happy here - I think she wanted the camera

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter 2008

We had a very interesting Easter. It actually started on Friday - with Mr. P and some really bad diapers. He (and Daddy) stayed home and he slept and lounged all day. The bad diapers continued on through Saturday and - just when we thought they were done - continued on at Grandma Allgeier's house. Mr. P actually ended up staying home the following Monday and Tuesday till he was all better.

They did receive some baskets from the Easter Bunny - with some toys, dvds, and a little candy. They seemed to enjoy the Peeps and have a few peanut butter eggs left. At the Allgeiers, Grandma had some baskets all ready for the kids and they got some plastic eggs (Mama and Daddy took the candy), a hopping chick and some bunny ears. Lizzie went with Daddy to visit the Rademaker grandparents and had a good time eating lamb.

Lizzie and Paul with their Easter Baskets
Lizzie's a flower and Paul's a bunny (but not a happy one)
Lizzie the flower investigates the peanut butter cup
Paul - not too sure about the Peep
At Grandma & Grandpa Allgeier's there's more bunny ears
Even cousin Killien gets a pair of ears!
Lizzie surrounded by Mama's (Diet Mt Dew) and Daddy's (the beer) favorite drinks
Paul playing with the Tupperware - all better!